Roadmap to success
  • Click on get started
  • Fill up the form with the right details.
  • Accept our terms and conditions before submission
  • Sign in after your registration is successful.
  • Verify your Bit Global Limited account once you have login.
  • Once you are logged in.
  • Fill up the investment box with amount in USD.
  • Accept our terms & conditions before submission.
  • Complete your investment using coin payment.
  • Account will be credited once your investment in confirmed.
  • Once you are logged in.
  • Click on the withdrawal button.
  • Enter amount to be withdrawn.
  • Ensure your receiving wallet address is correct.
  • Funds will be sent to your wallet once your withdrawal is verified.


We are fully regulated in the European, we work with the finance and technology to bring you tomorrows solutions today.

  • forex trading and crypto mining.
  • Investment advice.
  • Trading of Stock CFDs, Stock indices
  • Cryptocurrency trading & stock exchange market.


bit-mainstream is founded by people who always wanted to improve standard of living. An international team of experts in forex, crypto, project management and financial markets, associated with a highly trained staff in the educational arena, passionate about helping people master their own financial success. Our main principle is providing you with the support and the advanced technology designed for you to learn and transform your dreams into achievements. The EPF business model combines assisted trading systems with algorithms in the Forex Market, Crypto, and Interactive Educational Programs, creating a unique experience for our global membership. We provide you with service of forex trading, crypto trading , Trading of cannbidiol, Trading of oil and gold , Trading of stocks and indices ,selling of shares in the stock exchange market, Forex/crypto trading signal and finance management.

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